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Project Name: Maintaining and Scaling up Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment Activities in Kosovo

Project Beneficiary: TB patients; Kosovo population

Donor: Global Fund for AIDS,  TB and Malaria

Project Start Date: 01.10.2012

Duration: 5 years

Value (EUR):

300.001 – 500.000 EUR

Main Activities:

Support to MOH:

– Developing the National TB Strategies

– Developing different policy documents;

– Organizing TB coordination meetings

– Support to NTP Manager on different management issues;

– Operational research: Conduct prospective study on TB treatment outcome (In-patient Vs OPD) or other identified topics

Ensuring of standardization of care by:

– Developing the National TB guidelines and protocols

– Training of different categories of health staff of secondary and primary care (pulmonologists, pediatricians, radiologists, microbiologists, lab technicians, nurses, patronage nurses, etc)


Support to TB recording and reporting system:

– Training and retraining of the staff involved in recording and reporting system;

– Designing and printing the recording and reporting froms;

– Developing and establishing nominal reporting system with electronic database on web

– Ensuring TA

Support to TB National Reference Laboratory, country TB laboratory network:

– Training of laboratory staff on new diagnostic tools and other issues

– Development of guidelines, easy to use guidelines, protocols and SOPs;

– Ensuring Technical Assistance and international trainings;

– Developing Quality Control and External Quality Assurance system

– Conducting Drug Resistance Survey with technical assistance;


Increasing capacities on management of MDR-TB patients and Infection control measures by:

– Training of different categories of health and non health staff;

– Producing guidelines and diagnostic and treatment protocols

– Ensuring Technical Assistance and international trainings

Supporting the prison system on TB control and Infection control measures:

– Training of health and non health staff in penitentiary system;

– Producing guidelines and diagnostic and treatment protocols;

– Ensuring coordination activities;

Engaging all health care providers in TB control by:

– Developing public-private mix partnerships

– Translating and distributing International Standards for TB Care;

– Training of private providers

– Piloting

ACSM (Advocacy, communication and social mobilization):

– Develop and update the national ACSM strategy

– Increasing capacity for outreach and patients education by organizing trainings of inpatient and outpatient nurses, journalists, community     leaders and volunteers, and health education sessions for children in school, minorities and other high risks groups

– Developing different ACSM materials;

– Conducting KAP Survey on assessing the implementing ACSM activities;

Surveillance And Response To Avian And Pandemic Influenza, Grant Nr. 5U51IP000841-02, funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), implemented by SECID Albania

Project Beneficiary: Flu patients; Kosovo population


Project Start Date: 01.09.2014

Duration: 1 year

Value (EUR):

15 000 EUR
